Super Jew

Premium Jewish Online Education

Our Mission

We provide life altering courses seen through the eyes of torah hashkafah.

Why Choose Us?

#1 We cut to the Chase

#2 We Add fun to our education

#3 we only provide the highest quality

Our Mission

Our Courses

The Real Way to Make Money

Stop chasing after money! Have money come to you.


Learn How to Get Past what Holds you back and be the person of your dreams!

How to Meditate

.Learn perhaps the biggest lesson for this generation...
How to be in the present.


Our Nation is Chasing after Pleasure... Did you know that science has discovered it won't help??

A Top Educator and Director

Your Instructor

Akiva Balsam

Akiva has been a top educator in The Mesivta of Waterbury for the past 8 years and is a Summer Camp and Film Director.  

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